Not any traffic…the right traffic…with Google Ads
Using Google Ads to capture inbound marketing traffic around Atlanta is one sure way to give your business a boost. The goal is to grab the attention of your target audience by providing them engaging content at just the right right time. After researching and knowing who your ideal buyer is and what their challenges and pain points are, we go into action creating the specific content they are searching for – content which both addresses and resolves their problems. By creating compelling and unique content you will be able to drive users to your website organically. We go a step further and make sure your powerful content is utilized on multiple channels, such as blogs, social media, SEO, Email and more. This ensures that your content is reaching your visitors how and when they want to be reached. We know Atlanta as we have employees that live, eat and play inside the perimeter. The fantastic restaurants and the High are great places to visit. Red 3 Media has the insight on the city, events, functions and even local terminology. We are always available and encourage face to face meeting as often as possible.
Historic Inman Park, Atlanta
A qualified prospect found you
Nothing is more frustrating with inbound marketing around Atlanta and receiving good traffic but no real leads. Once they have found you, you MUST convert them into a lead by providing them a relevant content offer. This develops a powerful relationship with your buyer. Your prospect found you because they have a problem they are trying to solve and now you’re helping them with a solution. Offer them free downloadable content, which is researched and created by your Red 3 Media inbound marketing method team. The prospect then exchanges their information on a landing page form for your free content offer, and voila, a lead is born!
A prospect has closed as a customer, but you’re not done
We will show your prospect they are still a valued customer and you haven’t forgotten about them. It is reported that current customers spend 67% more than new customers – a fact we can capitalize on! After the sale, we’ll continue to send them helpful, timely information encouraging repeat sales.
Our clients goals are our goals!
Red 3 Media knows that analyzing your return-on-investment is key for improving and refining your marketing efforts. In the last step of our inbound marketing method, we take a deep-dive into your campaign analytics to see how it’s performed. We pick apart why a piece of content is working better than another and streamline our efforts based on this data, to bring you the greatest results possible. Remember we are your local experts with inbound marketing in Atlanta Georgia.
What makes us unique? Availability!
Since we work with owner and entrepreneurs, we understand the busy lives our clients lead. For this reason we can ALWAYS schedule time to meet when its convenient to you. Many of our clients enjoy meeting use EARLY morning, LATE at night or even on the weekends.