Your domain names are valuable. How valuable you ask? Well what would it mean if you lost your domains tomorrow? This is a follow up to our earlier article “Do You Really Own Your Domain Name?”
When you partner with Red 3 Media, one of the core services we provide you is domain name management. We monitor your domains to make sure they are renewed on time or if anyone tries to change DNS or forwarding settings.
Give others access to your GoDaddy domain names
You can give access to your GoDaddy account to another person without revealing your password. You can also control the other person’s ability to make purchases or not on behalf of your company.
This article assumes you own the account and want to give access to someone such as Red 3 Media to help monitor and manage your domains. If you are not sure how to grant access we will explain below. However, Red 3 Media can also request it from the account owner if this is more convenient.
When logged in to your account, click Account Settings, and then click Delegate Access.
In the People who can access my account area, click Grant Access.
Then complete the following fields to give Red 3 Media access to your domain names
Name – Enter the name Red 3 Media you are giving access to. This name will appear on the email invitation the person will receive, and in your list of people who can access your account.
Email – Enter the email address [email protected]. This can be any address the person uses. It does not have to be the email address they use for their GoDaddy account.
Access Levels – Select the level of access Manage Products & Purchase. If you’d like more details about what this will (or will not) let the us do, see Delegate Access: levels of permission
Click Invite – GoDaddy will then send us an email invitation to access your account. No further action is required from you.
If you do not have a GoDaddy account, or you have domains at another registar, Red 3 Media can help. We can set you up with an account, and move your names. Once all set up, we will turn the account back over to you so you can change the password as we suggest.
Red 3 Media
Red 3 Media is recognized as an industry leader in online advertising including mobile advertising, SEO, branding and Pay Per Click. With over 20 years of real world experience our comprehensive digital marketing solutions bring measurable results to our clients. So if you are frustrated with managing your advertising in house, or your current advertising company is not performing to your expectations, reach out to us. Contact us online or by phone at (877) 509-RED3.