Benjamin Franklin once said “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” All of us in both our business and personal lives need to keep making progress toward our goals. So with that thought in mind, when was the last time your marketing department or marketing agency had meetings with you to discuss your past success, future goals and plans to get there? If you can’t remember, or you do not have specific plans clearly defined, it may be time to rethink your current way of doing things.
Does Your Current Agency Have Meetings With You?
We schedule quarterly meetings with each of our clients to meet face to face to discuss what has been accomplished and what yet needs addressed. Meeting in person, or by video conferencing allows everyone to get the feel of the progress and understand the emotions of the current plan we are working with. Sometimes what is important on paper is not what is most important to the owners of the business. If your current agency doesn’t meet with you on a regular basis, you need to ask them why?
Is Your Current Advertising Performing To Your Expectations?
It truly is an art form when you can ask the right questions to get the answers you are looking for. When we meet with prospective clients, if we were to ask, how is your current advertising doing? Most would quickly answer, that its going well, sometimes to avoid embarrassment. What we like to ask is if their advertising is performing to their expectations. See many people will read things online or hear from their friends or other business people about their success in advertising and try to apply it to their own business. This usually does not work. However, most people will tell us if they are getting the results they think they should be getting. Sometimes simple misconceptions can lead to the feeling that a particular campaign is working when its not and a campaign that is working might feel like its not. Got all that? We work to make sure everyone is on the same page and understand all the components of all campaigns. The results from a branding campaign is totally different than the results from an e-commerce campaign. When working with us, we keep you up to date, and help you realistically understand what to expect.
What Should Be Discussed At Meetings
Everything. If its on your mind lets discuss. Remember the only dumb questions are the ones you do not ask. We refer to our clients as partners, and really that is what we are. Both of our companies need to work together to get the most out of the relationship. Feedback, data and requests from your company only help our campaign managers focus in on items that they may have looked at from a different perspective. More than anything the relationship with your ad agency should be a comfortable one. Ask questions, get answers, and work together.